Jack Marshall
- Born 23 November 1921, Eldorado, Kansas
- Died 2 September 1973, Newport Beach, California
Jack Marshall was one of Capitol's top producers in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and released a number of albums under his own name that featured his jazzy acoustic guitar playing. He wrote his own arrangements, which had a very Billy May-like "Big Fat Brass" sound to them. He was a close friend of Howard Roberts and produced Roberts' great mid-60s albums on Capitol. Marshall also played as a guitar duet with Barney Kessel on several albums and was nominated for a Grammy for his theme to "The Munsters" television show. After hs death, a scholarship fund for young guitarists was set up in his name at the University of Southern California.
- 18th Century Jazz, Capitol T-1108
- Soundsville, Capitol T 1194
- The Marshall Swings, Capitol T-1351
- Tuff Jack, Capitol T-1727
- My Son the Surf Nut, Capitol ST-1939
- Sounds!, Capitol T-2610
- Sounds Unheard Of, Contemporary LP
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